Brand Levitra

- Payment Options: VISA, Mastercard
- Availability: In stock
- Prescription required: No
- Active ingredient: Vardenafil
- Medical form: Pills
- Delivery time: Airmail (10 - 21 days), EMS Trackable (5-9 days)
Brand Levitra - active substance, method of administration, contraindications
Many men face problems in their intimate life over time. As a rule, deterioration occurs due to improper lifestyle, chronic diseases, constant stress, excess weight, the use of junk food, alcohol, smoking. Difficulties in intimate life can occur both in young guys and in older men.
Fortunately, pharmacology does not stand still, and now there are a variety of drugs on the market that can help men establish an intimate life and increase self-confidence. One of the most popular medicines for improving potency is Brand Levitra with the main active ingredient Vardenafil.
Scope of the drug
Brand Levitra is a drug widely used in urology to treat erectile dysfunction and improve potency. The drug helps with the inability of patients to achieve and maintain an erection at the required level for a full-fledged intercourse.
The drug is sold in the form of round, doubly convex tablets. On one side of the tablet there is an engraving in the form of the manufacturer's brand name, on the opposite side - the dosage of the drug.
The drug can be purchased all over the world. In New Zealand, the drug is sold through pharmacy chains, but there it can only be bought with a doctor's prescription. If the client does not have an appointment from a specialist, then you can purchase the drug without a prescription through an online pharmacy. Orders are shipped all over New Zealand and the world.
It should also be noted that the quality Brand Levitra is sold cheaper in online pharmacies than in offline pharmacy chains.
For what main diseases is the drug used?
Brand Levitra with the active ingredient Vardenafil is indicated for the treatment of all forms of erectile dysfunction. The drug acts at the cellular level, blocking the PDE 5 enzyme, thereby establishing the optimal level of cyclic mononucleotide under the influence of which nitric oxide is released. As a result, the smooth muscles of the penis relax, blood flow increases in them, and under the influence of sexual stimulation, a normal erection appears, lasting until the end of intercourse. Vardenafil has a high level of selectivity and does not affect other human organs.
It should be noted that the positive effect of Brand Levitra can last up to 10 hours, which is much longer than the manufacturers of other similar drugs offer. During clinical trials, it was revealed that Brand Levitra helps the vast majority of men cope with erectile dysfunction, and thanks to the effective active ingredient Vardenafil, it became possible to help those patients who are not susceptible to Sildenafil, which is part of Viagra. Leading experts who have conducted research on Brand Levitra noted its high efficiency at the level of 93%.
Due to its safety, high efficiency and affordable cost, Brand Levitra occupies a leading position in the market for drugs of this type.
Mode of application
The drug is taken orally. Drink it with plenty of water. It is best to take a pill 30 minutes before the start of intercourse. Please note that when taking the drug, an erection will occur only in case of sexual stimulation. In the absence of natural erotic arousal, there will be no erection.
Dosage and special instructions:
- Experts do not recommend combining Brand Levitra with alcohol, although there are no contraindications to this.
- It is not recommended to take the medicine with food.
- The recommended starting dose is 10 mg.
- Men who are in the age group from 65 years old should start taking the drug with a dose of 5 mg.
- Since Brand Levitra is characterized by high efficiency and long duration of action, it is recommended to take it no more than 1 time per day.
Experts note an excellent level of absorption of the drug and a good tolerance by patients, both during the initial and subsequent administrations.
Side effects and contraindications
Despite its effectiveness and safety, Brand Levitra is a drug, which means it has some side effects and a number of contraindications.
Most of the volunteers who took part in studies aimed at testing the drug did not have any side effects at all. A small proportion of the participants had mild side reactions that did not last long:
- In no more than 8% of cases, patients experienced skin redness and mild headaches.
- In no more than 2% of cases, patients presented with nasal congestion, nausea, and diarrhea.
- In no more than 1% of cases, there was dizziness, lethargy, lacrimation, back pain, increased pressure, angina pectoris.
Brand Levitra has been tested by leading laboratories in Europe and the USA. Good tolerability of the drug and minimal side effects were confirmed by all institutions. In almost 95 cases out of 100, Brand Levitra relieves any form of impotence. The high efficacy of the drug has been proven even in the case of symptoms of impotence in men with diabetes. People with hypertension and hypertension can also use this drug, but you should consult your doctor before taking it. In case of mild forms of renal and hepatic insufficiency, it is permissible to take Brand Levitra without adjusting the doses of essential medicines.
Brand Levitra does not affect blood clotting, the ability to drive a car and complex mechanisms, does not cause addiction with prolonged use.
It is not recommended to take Brand Levitra in the following cases:
- In the presence of individual intolerance to the components and active ingredients of the drug;
- If the person has not reached the age of 18;
- If the person is 65 years of age or older taking indinavir or ritonavir;
- Taking medications that contain nitrates;
- Prolonged QT interval;
- Severe renal / hepatic impairment;
- The occurrence of ischemia, angina pectoris or arrhythmias during physical exertion;
- A stroke or heart attack in the past 6 months;
- With severe deformities of the penis.
In our online pharmacy, you can order Brand Levitra at an affordable price without a doctor's prescription. The quality and effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous studies.
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